Author: Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village in Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda).
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We study the anitya bhāgya kāraka … just to recapitulate – anitya kāraka of any bhāva is the dispositor of the lord of that bhāva….

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Bhagya-I Dharma

Dharma, represented by the bull (of Śiva) called Nandiśvara, has four legs. These legs are Dharma Leg Yuga Lagna Bhāva Tapaḥ (austerity) Kṛta Ākāśa Karma…

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Puṣkara is the blessing of Brahma, the Creator who grants longevity. In this lesson presentation we study the puṣkarāṁśa aspect of the navāṁśa namely –…

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D9 Janma

 Navāṁśa is a print of the karma of past life manifesting in this life. It starts right from the moment of birth, and that helps…

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Navāṁśa Notes2

These are my personal notes made when learning navāṁśa which we share with you. The topics included in the slides are meant to give clarity…